Let me take you back to seven years ago, when I committed my life to making the most of every drop of water.
It’s 2016. I’m feeling burned out with my corporate job and decide to travel the Australian Outback in my ‘89 Troopy. It's a soul-searching journey for sure, but it’s also a ton of fun. Nothing beats the sense of freedom that comes along with being outdoors for weeks at a time and sharing a good cup of coffee with the sun rising on the horizon.
But suddenly, I’ve got a problem. My friend sets me up for a blind date, and I smell like a burning dumpster. I hadn’t even realized it, but I had set all of my water aside for drinking, I’ve been on the road for weeks at this point. I’m thinking to myself, ”Do I use what’s left of my water just to shower?”
This time, I opted to visit a friend and shower at their place. That shower changed my life. I realize just how much we take for granted the fact that most of us have clean, fresh water on demand in our homes.
There are 2.3 billion people all over the world who don’t have access to this luxury, who struggle to access clean water for themselves and their families.
Here in the US, we have 40 million people along the Colorado River Basin living in mega-drought conditions.
Our two largest reservoirs are hitting all time lows. We used 60% of our total water storage capacity since 2020.
And aquifer water levels are falling nationwide.
Water restores our dignity. It restores our spirit. Everyone deserves to have that relationship with it. I decide then and there to commit my life to finding ways to making the most of every sacred drop.
An off-roading friend (shout-out to Rhan) hears me out and offers to let me tinker in his shed. I put my design & medical engineering experience to work, and after six months of sleepless nights the prototype for our flagship product, the Geyser System was born. For me, it was the first step towards creating an all-in-one water infrastructure to combat water scarcity worldwide.
It was the beginning of a new future for water, and the planet.
Fast-forward a couple of years, a Kickstarter campaign, and building a company in Montrose, Colorado, and suddenly we’re in the present day. I’m extremely fortunate to be surrounded with a like-minded crew of people, and we’re all on a mission to transform the planet’s relationship to water one drop at a time. Our vision is to empower 2.3 billion people to be free beyond the limitations that come with little water. We’re in the business of generating sustainable change through meaningful, high-quality products (built right here in the U.S.) that solve real problems for real people.

When It Comes to Showering Here at Home, That Means Saving You Water, Time & Money.
Our products put you in the driver's seat of your shower and deliver a fast, efficient & refreshing clean. The typical home shower in the US is 8 minutes long and uses 2.5 gallons per minute - that's 20 gallons of water! Most of our customers shave 2-5 minutes off their shower time, reduce their water consumption by more than 40% and feel just as clean in the process.
Every Time You Use a Geyser, You're Saving ~15 Gallons of Water.
If Everyone Who Relied on the Colorado River Basin Used a Geyser for Their Morning Shower... Together We Would Save 250 Billion Gallons of Water. Every. Week.
I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like a future worth building.
Based on the trends we see, it’s clear that a water crisis is within our lifetime. This is defining our generation.
Our children will either fight each other for water
Look at us as the heroes that refilled our lakes and reservoirs
We cannot build a prosperous world on dry steams and thirsty souls.
I say we are the generation that refills Lake Mead, Powell, and the Colorado River Basin.
Our story is just as inspiring as the ones that made Hoover Dam.
I believe…despite the circumstances, nay-sayers, and distractions…we can do it.
Jonathan Ballesteros
CEO / Founder, Geyser Systems